
Meet Luke

Last updated on May 14th, 2018

At Pets of the Homeless (POTH), our passionate team of volunteers are a vital component of our ongoing success. Their support helps us to reach a number of people in need and their commitment has helped us to achieve some incredible outcomes within the local community.

Luke Brady joined the POTH volunteer team in late 2017 and he has already had a huge impact on our organisation. Hailing from Brunswick, Luke lives with his partner Rachel and their two adopted Greyhounds – who he can’t imagine life without.

Despite an active social life and a busy career in engineering and project management, Luke always finds time to help out with various POTH charity events and fundraising initiatives.

For Luke, being able to give back is important, and volunteering for POTH offers the perfect opportunity to support a cause that is close to his heart.

As part of our volunteer focus for National Volunteer Week, we asked Luke a few questions about his experience in volunteering with POTH so far.


When and why did you first decide to become a volunteer with POTH?

I joined POTH as a volunteer in late 2017, after hearing about it from a friend. For some time, I’ve volunteered with and supported several charities that focus on either animal welfare or social welfare. POTH provides what I think is a pretty unique opportunity to support both people and animals at the same time, blending the two causes I’m passionate about to do a lot of good.


What role do you play in helping POTH achieve positive outcomes?

I am mostly involved in fundraising and awareness activities, such as tin-rattling, sausage-sizzling and helping out at events, which includes organising our Trivia Night annual event in October this year, which I’m sure will be an absolute blast! I also had the privilege of being Harry POTHA, our dog mascot, at the St Kilda Festival earlier this year, which was loads of fun and allowed me to carry on like a twit with anonymity!


What do you like most about volunteering with POTH?

Definitely the people – we have a friendly, passionate and selfless group of volunteers led by Yvonne who is an absolute powerhouse and champion of our cause. It fills me with a lot of pride that, together, we punch above our weight amongst some significantly more resourced and cashed-up not-for-profits, to achieve great things for those we support. I’ve also enjoyed interacting with the various donors, sponsors and the general public, discussing what we do with passion and interest – it restores a lot of my faith in humanity!


What have you learned from volunteering with POTH?

That people are very generous in donating their time and money… and that Bunnings shoppers love sausages!


What advice would you give to others considering volunteering with POTH?

Do it! You’ll love it, get a lot out of it, and meet plenty of awesome people.


Written by Kellie George

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