Founder's Story

How it all started

“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realised I was somebody.”

– Lily Tomlin.

Yvonne could never have imagined that a beautiful dog named Jezza and his best friend Warren would change the very course of her life.

When she first came across the sweet Staffy and his doting person, they were sleeping rough on the street across from where she lived in Melbourne’s CBD. A lifelong animal lover, she had noticed them and many others experiencing homelessness with their pets around the city.

Yvonne began to stop and chat to Warren and Jezza, and others who were sleeping rough. She witnessed firsthand the strong emotional bonds that they shared, and wanted to help. She would ask if they needed anything, and would bring food and supplies if requested.

A friendship was soon forged, so when Yvonne moved away from the city, she made a promise to Warren and Jezza: she would come back to visit them whenever she could. As soon as Yvonne moved to her own home in the suburbs, the first thing she did was to bring home a dog of her own. And with her passion ignited to help people and pets, she set out to do just that.

A homeless man sitting on the street with his dog, who is lying on a blanket. A handwritten sign in front of them requests assistance for food and shelter. The image highlights the bond between the man and his dog, showcasing their need for help and support.
The Pets of the Homeless founder assisting a homeless man with his dog on the street. The volunteer is petting the dog while the man looks on. The interaction highlights the compassionate support provided by Pets of the Homeless to those in need.

Back in the city, she was shocked to see just how bad the situation had become. So many more people were sleeping rough with their pets than ever before. Yvonne would stop to buy food for them, but every time she walked away, she wished she could do more.

"I could clearly see that this was a big issue, and I wanted to do as much as I could to help."

So she began to look for charities that helped people and pets experiencing homelessness, in the hopes of becoming a volunteer. But soon, she was surprised to discover that there were none. From that day forth, her mission was clear: she was going to change that.

So in 2015, with no funding or support, Yvonne hit the streets of Melbourne as the “one woman band” that was Pets Of The Homeless.

Armed with a suitcase full of pet food and supplies she’d purchased, Yvonne dragged it around the city, feeding hungry bellies as she went. And it was not just for the pets – she also brought fruits and rolls for the people too. Yvonne noticed that people sleeping rough alone, without pets, would often be bypassed, so she made sure to stop to chat with them too.

For the first four years, Pets Of The Homeless operated out of Yvonne’s house and garage until she was able to move into a warehouse in Cheltenham where she established Victoria’s very first Pet Food Bank in 2019.

And today, thanks to a wonderful network of volunteers, Pets Of The Homeless has now distributed millions of meals to dogs and cats in need, and supported thousands of pets with veterinary care, safe shelter, and more.

This image captures our founder during the early days of Pets of the Homeless, showcasing the humble beginnings of our mission to support pets and their owners in need.

What Yvonne first started as an initiative to help people who were experiencing homelessness now includes those at the risk of homelessness – because we believe there is a greater chance of making real change by getting in front of the problem.

Today, Yvonne continues to be a powerhouse of hope for those who need it most, heading up Pet Of The Homeless' small team of staff and large network of volunteers as CEO and Director.

Yvonne’s inspiring story shows how one person’s passion to incite change in one small area can spark a whole community of kindness into doing something for a greater cause.

"You may not always see the impact you make right away, but everything you do to promote change can add up over time."

A homeless man sitting on Bourke Street with his brindle dog and the founder of Pets of the Homeless. The volunteer is engaging with the dog while the man smiles.

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84A Keys Road,
Cheltenham Victoria 3192