Volunteer With Us

Your time can make a big impact!

Volunteer With Us

Your time can make a big impact!

Giving back to your community

As a volunteer-powered organisation, our dedicated volunteers play a very crucial role in helping us continue our work. They enable us to extend our reach, connecting with more individuals in need and leaving a meaningful, lasting impact on their lives.

From running fundraising activities to helping us pack pet food (Kibble Packing Team) to assisting with delivery (Pet Food Courier), there are many ways you can volunteer with us. The commitment is flexible and the rewards are immense.

Please note that all our volunteer opportunities are available to those in metro Victoria only. Volunteers are required to be a minimum of 18 years old and must undergo a police check.

A smiling volunteer wearing an orange vest scooping pet food from a large bag at Pets of the Homeless, highlighting the work done to prepare food for distribution.

Kibble Packer

You can help to feed hungry bellies by packing nutritious pet food for pets in need. Join our kind-hearted volunteer crew at our Pet Food Bank in Cheltenham for a fun day of preparing meals to be distributed to our large network of community partner organisations throughout Victoria.

A smiling volunteer from Pets of the Homeless sitting in a car with a happy staffy dog, showcasing the strong bond between volunteers and the pets they help.

Pet Courier

If flexibility is what you are after then this is the role for you! As a Pet Courier, your tasks could include transporting pets (and sometimes their people) to vet appointments, to and from foster homes, or to collect donations. This is a flexible, on-call volunteer opportunity suited to anyone who can help out on weekdays.

Two Pets of the Homeless volunteers loading pet food into a van, demonstrating the efforts to distribute supplies to pets in need.

Pet Food Courier

As a Pet Food Courier, you will be helping to deliver much-needed pet food and supplies to our large network of over 60+ community partner organisations across Victoria, making it accessible to those who need it most. If being on the road and meeting new people is what you love, then this role is perfect for you.

Why Volunteer For Pets Of The Homeless?

If you want to make a real difference in the lives of people experiencing homelessness or hardship with their pets, volunteering at Pets Of The Homeless is a truly rewarding experience. 

Pets Of The Homeless helps by distributing pet food to those in need, covering and subsidising the costs of veterinary care, and providing a safe refuge for pets when they have nowhere else to go. 

As a volunteer, you will play a vital role in helping us keep best friends together.

A group of smiling volunteers in orange vests packing boxes with pet supplies at Pets of the Homeless, showcasing the positive impact of community support.

Meet Julie

Julie is our longest serving volunteer, having started volunteering since 2016. With her full time work at the Red Cross Lifeblood centre in Melbourne, Julie leads a busy life – but she doesn’t let that hold her back from helping Pets Of The Homeless in any way she can. Julie helps out  with groundwork volunteering – helping at the Pet Food Bank, fundraising, and helping at events.

“I like being able to meet and get to know a range of people from all walks of life. We all have that shared love for animals and the desire to help those in need. I’m incredibly proud to be part of this community and will do whatever I can to continue to however I can.”

Be part of the change. Join our volunteer team!

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84A Keys Road,
Cheltenham Victoria 3192