Anonymous just donated $54.12
Rufus King just donated $11.65
Anonymous just donated $70.96
Anonymous just donated $27.81
Anonymous just donated $113.76
Anonymous just donated $2.94
Anonymous just donated $211
Pratishma PillayPeters just donated $106.12
Lisa Fisher just donated $22.58
Anonymous just donated $25
Grace Holland just donated $17.16
Jan MacGowan just donated $54.12
Anonymous just donated $70.96
Anonymous just donated $11.65
Belinda Leigh just donated $70.96
Carlo Montagner just donated $54.12
Emma Obrien just donated $42.39
Anonymous just donated $11.65
Karen just donated $42.39
Aimee Tyson just donated $116.40

I can't believe that there is an organisation out there that is so generous. I couldn't afford Zeus' surgery, and to have him back looking so happy and healthy, with the vitamins and other supplies, means so much. You helped make a very trying and worrisome time a bit easier knowing that I wasn't going to lose Zeus. You really did save my life. - Jessica
Zeus was in our foster care program for 69 days before being reunited with Jessica and while in care, we also covered the cost of surgery to remove some malignant growths on his face.
You can be a safety net for people and pets in need.
In many instances, people find themselves experiencing homelessness very suddenly. But a rapid change in circumstances doesn't mean the need for pet care stops. When facing homelessness, the security and companionship of a pet is a comfort many people value above all else and as a result people often try to ensure their pet's health ahead of their own.
Your donations are essential in helping our organisation provide pet food relief, veterinary care, and safe shelter to pet guardians in need. Your tax-deductible donation will help keep people and their pets together - preventing hunger, suffering, surrender and loss of the animals they love.
If you would like to donate via bank transfer, please use the below details.
When you make your EFT deposit, please email with your name, donation date and amount so we can send you a tax deductible receipt. Please note that receipts will be issued to you the month following your donation.
Bank: ANZ
Acc Name: Pets of the Homeless Ltd
BSB: 013472
Acc No: 300315346

Other Ways You Can Help

Workplace Giving
Through Workplace Giving (sometimes called Payroll Giving), you contribute a nominated portion of your pre-tax salary to your chosen charity and receive the tax benefits straight away, rather than waiting until the end of the financial year. It is a convenient and cost effective way to support Pets of the Homeless.

Legacy Giving
Leaving a gift in your Will to Pets of the Homeless is a meaningful way to ensure the bond between a person and their pet is never broken. Once you've looked after the ones you love, a gift of even 1% in your Will, or as much as you can give, will make a difference to the impact of our work.

Start A Fundraiser
Whether you fundraise solo, with your community, school, or workplace, your support makes a lasting difference to people and pets in need, and it’s incredibly easy to get started. From organising a simple event to rallying your network, every effort helps us provide essential care and services.