Leave A Life-Changing Legacy

Become a Forever Friend By Including a Gift In Your Will

Leaving a legacy is a new beginning. It’s the beginning of one act of kindness making a long-lasting and positive impact on countless lives, well into the future.

When you become a Forever Friend to Pets Of The Homeless by including a gift in your Will, you will enable us to deliver support services to pet guardians facing hardship and help work towards a community where no person is separated from their pet due to homelessness or disadvantage.

Leaving a bequest to Pets Of The Homeless, no matter the size, is more than just a donation. It's a testament to your values, your compassion, and your desire to make the world a better place. It is your legacy of compassion, support, and hope.

Man sitting on grass and hugging his older dog, both supported by Pets of the Homeless

The Power Of Your Gift

Becoming a Forever Friend to Pets Of The Homeless is a meaningful way to ensure that vulnerable people and their pets will have access to the very basic of essentials. With your support, we can continue to provide pet food, access to veterinary care and a safe shelter to those in need for years to come.

A bequest doesn’t impact your wealth during your lifetime and only takes effect when administering your estate. Once you’ve looked after the ones you love, a gift of even 1% in your Will, or as much as you can afford, will make a difference to the impact of our work.

A bride lovingly holding and kissing her dog, both dressed up for the wedding, highlighting a special moment where pets are cherished members of the family, symbolising the deep bond that Pets of the Homeless supports.

The support Pets Of The Homeless provides to humans and their pets in keeping best friends together resonates with us like no other charity, so it was only natural that I would name them in my Will.
- Sarah

Planning Your Gift

If you are generously considering including a gift in your Will, there are few recommended steps you can take.


Talk to your loved ones

Discuss your decision to leave a gift to Pets Of The Homeless in your Will with family members and anyone else who may be affected.


Seek legal advice

It’s important to seek legal counsel when creating or amending your Will.


Use the correct wording

For cost-effective and timely estate settlement, we recommend providing this Gift in Will wording to your solicitor for inclusion in your Will.

How To Include A Gift In Your Will

From types of gifts, sample wording and more, this free Gift In Will Kit takes you through everything you need to know to become a Forever Friend to Pets Of The Homeless.

Types Of Gifts


The remainder of your estate after considering your loved ones and the deduction of expenses.

Percentage Gift

A percentage of either the residue or the entire estate such as 25% of the estate.


A gift of a specific amount such as $10,000.


This can be property or shares.

Suggested Wording For Your Will

If you would like to include a gift in your Will to Pets Of The Homeless, we recommend using the following suggested wording (which should be discussed further with your solicitor):

“I give to Pets Of The Homeless LTD (ABN 87 612 417 277)
The residue of my estate (or __% of the residue of my estate) or
The whole of my estate (or __% of my estate)
The sum of $___
Asset or assets

free of all duties, for its general charitable purposes. I declare that the receipt of the CEO or other authorised officer of Pets Of The Homeless shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors for this legacy.”

Write Your Will For Free

Pets Of The Homeless has partnered with Gathered Here, Australia’s leading online Will writing platform, to give you the opportunity to write your Will for free. It takes as little as ten minutes to complete, and comes with free and unlimited updates. 

It's a reflection of my belief in the power of kindness and the impact that even the smallest acts of generosity can have on someone's life. When I think about the legacy I want to leave behind, supporting a cause like Pets Of The Homeless feels like the right thing to do. I know that my contribution will continue to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most - Rachel

Get In Touch

If you’re considering becoming a Forever Friend to Pets Of The Homeless, we would love to talk to you, discuss some of the options available and hear about the areas of our work you would like to support.

You can also check out our guide on how to write a Will to get you started.

Because our work  is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the community, many donors don’t specify a purpose for their gift, allowing us to use their gift where it is needed most. If you would prefer to direct your gift to a specific program, we can also help you craft a gift that reflects your wishes.  

To get in touch, please email donation@petsofthehomeless.org.au

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84A Keys Road,
Cheltenham Victoria 3192