Fiona*, Nixie and Clementine

A family reunited

“I finally have my family back.”

Through tears, these are the words that Fiona* uttered as she was finally reunited with her beloved cats following two incredibly challenging months.

When we first heard from Fiona, her despair was all-consuming.

The single mum shared how last year she had received a vacate notice on her home. After five years, her landlord wanted to sell up. But nine months and more than 350 frustrating property inspections later, they still had not found a home to relocate to.

On a disability pension, the rental affordability crisis was a harsh and ever-present reality. Fiona told us that she'd seen as many as 50 people attending rental inspections, and prices were being increased before her eyes to meet the high demand. The search for a safe place had become Fiona's full time job. The fear of homelessness for her and her teen was so great that she even had to miss her Uncle’s funeral to attend an inspection.

At the time, Fiona told us that her 17 year old was going through an incredibly tough time following trauma, and she feared for how they would cope.

A family reunited with their two cats, sitting with pet carriers at an animal shelter, smiling after being reunited with their pets.
A grey and white cat peacefully sleeping on a pink and purple patterned bed.

What she wanted, more than anything, was to keep them safe.

Through it all, her sweet cats, Nixie and Clementine, and senior dogs, Rosie and Kiki Dee, were a great source of comfort.

They gave her a reason to get up every morning. To Fiona, they were family.

But despite Fiona's pleas for a further extension on the eviction, they were forced to vacate over Christmas - a time when new rental opportunities were slim to none.  She approached her local government and community services, and at one point was told to pitch a tent in her local park. With her teen at risk, she knew this was not an option.

Fiona was in tears as she recalled the moment that the sheer helplessness of her situation overcame her. Calling a loved one from a carpark, her legs gave out. She hadn’t cried like that since her father passed away.

For the next two months, Fiona and her teen were forced to mostly live apart, staying with others where they could, and occasionally in motels. While staying in a rooming house, she experienced terrible levels of hygiene, and had to leave after she was violently assaulted. She constantly fretted for her vulnerable teen.

Her dogs were taken in by a kind human, but her beloved cats Nixie and Clementine had nowhere safe to go. That’s when her support worker reached out to us.

Today, Fiona is a different woman. She was able to secure transitional housing, and her despair has been replaced with good humour and hope for the future. Her spark is back.

Fiona shared her sheer relief when the news arrived that her kitties had found a loving foster home. With one less thing to worry about, she was able to focus on getting her life back on track.

While their housing situation is not permanent, it will buy Fiona some time to find a long-term solution. She is now making plans for the future, looking into part time work, and attending community art classes.

As Fiona reflected on her life, she shared with us how years ago she had enrolled in a Certificate in Community Services, but due to a sudden change in circumstances she was unable to complete it. And with pride, she spoke of how her teenager has now enrolled in the same certificate, and hopes to help others in need one day.

When Fiona recently visited us to finally bring her beautiful kitties Nixie and Clementine home, her child by her side, she burst into tears of relief and gratitude.

"It is so refreshing to find a place that genuinely cares," Fiona said. "Someone who does what they say they are going to do."

Fiona is now making plans for the future after spending her 50th birthday homeless and alone.

"I'm going to have a belated birthday cake," she laughed. "I deserve it."

*Name changed for privacy reasons.

A black and white cat perched on a woman's shoulder, both indoors with the woman smiling in the foreground.

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