Normy and Pumkin

Love is blind

Picture this: you're out for a walk with your best friend.

You're enjoying the sunshine and fresh air, and the companionship of the person who knows and loves you like nobody else.

You can't see very well these days, but that's okay - just having your mate by your side is enough.

Then, in a heartbeat, everything changes.

Your best friend is taken away, and you're sent to a cold, concrete cell. You can't see what's around you, but the din of other frightened and frustrated dogs never stops. You're confused and terrified. You can't stop shaking.

This was the situation 11-year-old Pumkin found herself in. Pumkin is her owner Normy's support dog for his PTSD and seizures. The devoted pair were out for a walk together when Normy collapsed in the street and was rushed to hospital. With nobody else on hand to care for Pumkin, she was taken to the pound. The sweet senior pup, who is blind, was understandably scared to death in the unfamiliar surroundings.
A man holding a small brown and white dog, sharing a tender moment on a city street.
A small brown and white blind dog resting on a gray dog bed with a soft blanket, wearing a red collar.

Fortunately, Normy was able to alert hospital staff to Pumkin's predicament, and they found and contacted us. She was at the pound for nearly 2 weeks before we were asked to assist. We busted her out of the pound straight away and she entered the loving foster home of our founder, Yvonne, who had experience with blind dogs, until Normy could get back on his feet.

Sadly, blindness wasn't Pumkin's only challenge. She was also battling a big and painful bladder stone, which was discovered after Yvonne noticed Pumkin didn't seem to be feeling well and took her to the vet for a full check up with X-rays, urinalysis and blood tests. 

Surgery was required to remove the stone, along with months on a very expensive prescription diet to prevent it from happening again. Thankfully, our community came to the fore to help us cover the $2,500 needed to cover the vet and treatment costs. 

After more than two weeks apart, little Pumkin was finally reunited with her dad, and we continued to check in on them to make sure they were both ok and made a full recovery.

The devoted duo were so happy to be together once more. 

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